A Flaneur in the Cloud - November 4, 2023

  • NPR.org » Shortage Of Workers Hampers Chili Harvest In New Mexico 101313
    Let’s talk chili peppers. It’s harvest time in New Mexico where the iconic crop has been grown for centuries. New Mexico still produces more chili peppers than any other American state. But production in the U.S. is a fraction of what’s produced in India and China, countries with large pools of labor.
  • Little ‘Libraires’ That Could: French Law Would Keep Amazon At Bay : Parallels : NPR 102513
    Last year, the U.S. government took Apple to court, charging that the company illegally drove up the price of e-books. This summer, Apple lost the case. In France, just the opposite is happening. The French government has accused Amazon of trying to push the price of physical books too low. Limiting discounts on books is one of the ways that France is trying to ensure the survival of its independent booksellers.
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