Tag Archives: WNYC

Georgina Kleege on Beauty and The Gaze

My friend Georgina Kleege was interviewed today on x with John Hockenberry: “We’re talking this week about beauty: How we define it, how we perceive it, and what it means historically and socially—and to you, our listeners. | Today, we approach the topic beauty with someone who has a unique perspective: UC Berkeley English Professor Georgina Kleege. |Kleege is blind, and has written about how she sees the world in several books, including “Sight Unseen,” and the essay “Beauty and the Blind.” | And as Kleege explains, you don’t have to see beauty to understand its value. In her words: “I live in a visual culture, so I know what people say.” Continue reading

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Sista Iria’s New Year’s Resolution on WNYC

Listening to the Studio 360 podcast this morning, I was surprised and thrilled to hear my friend Maria Thornton (Sista Iria) talking with WNYC’s Kurt Andersen. Maria is one of four artists whom Studio 360 will follow this year to encourage them to lean in and complete long-imagined creative projects. Maria plans to return to her reggae roots. Good luck, Maria – Yellow Springs will be a better place to live as a result!

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