Isabella Rossellini Dances the Sex Life of Calamari at Café Mouffe

Comments   2   Date Arrow  October 30, 2023 at 7:19pm   User  by Mark Willis

If you’re striving for that nerdy, campy “adult” costume for Halloween, look no further than Isabella Rossellini’s simple garb in Green Porno, her series of anatomically correct nature films on the Sundance Channel. You could be a sexy spider or praying mantis. Rossellini discussed the project last month on WBUR’s On Point with Tom Ashbrook.

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Let’s Lift A Toast To The Burning River

Comments   1   Date Arrow  June 22, 2023 at 6:19pm   User  by Mark Willis

If Great Blue Herons are part of your quality of life, please join me in lifting a toast to the Cuyahoga River. When the river caught on fire in Cleveland 40 years ago today, it became a tipping point in rallying support for passage of the Clean Water Act. Even Richard Nixon had to concede [...]

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