Sesame Street Turns 40 Today, & “L” Is Still Swell

Comments   1   Date Arrow  November 10, 2023 at 4:16pm   User  by Mark Willis

The flaneur knows that an interesting street can be an art gallery, a library, a classroom. Even the representation of a street on television has possibilities for children whose overprotective parents won’t let them walk down the real thing. So here’s a tip of the hat to Sesame Street on its 40th birthday!

When I heard [...]

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“L, I think you are swell!”

Comments   0   Date Arrow  May 14, 2023 at 2:41pm   User  by Mark Willis

I heard a snippet of this Sesame Street alphabet lesson on the radio this morning. Now I can’t get it out of my head. Nothing else I’ve heard today has been as dramatic, as funny, or as profound. Guess I work in the cube farm equivalent of the FAA’s sterile cockpit. Maybe I should get [...]

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