Posts Tagged ‘stree’

Café Mouffe: Ces soirées là

Friday, August 21st, 2009

How many French pop singers named Yannick could there be. I came across Ces soirées là, his hit from 2000, and now I can’t get it out of my head. If you can’t stay in your seat for this one, we have a place for you in the Café Mouffe chorus line. When I went looking for more information, I found Yannick Noah, pop singer and pro tennis champ in a previous life. Here’s his official site. Maybe someone with better sight than me can tell me if they are one and the same. Wish I’d been on the street in Paris when the video for Vous was shot… I would have tried to dance and lip-sync, too.

Update 082209: Ms. Modigliani puzzled out my question about the singer: “Yannick Ngombo, not Yannick Noah, is the singer/rapper from Angola who sings Ces Soirees la. Tons of singers with name Yannick!

Encore: I found my way to “Ces soirées là” after nourishing obscurity sent me a trackback. He linked to a photo montage of Charlotte Casiraghi that used the song as soundtrack. While searching for the original, I was totally charmed by a webcam vamp of it by two girls who are having too much fun. The post that started all this featured a concert clip of Willy DeVille’s Venus of Avenue D. Many thanks, nourishing obscurity!

Café Mouffe opens on Fridays. Please drop by for a listen and a chat. Sometimes the embedded videos don’t work here due to bandwidth constraints, but you’ll always find links to video sources in the notes. Try them. If you’re curious about the Mouffe, here’s the original idea behind it’s creation.