Entries Tagged as 'writing'

David Foster Wallace’s Long-form Journalism

Comments   0   Date Arrow  September 23, 2023 at 6:00am   User  by Mark Willis

I must confess, as did On The Media’s Bob Garfield, that until last week “I’d never read a single word of David Foster Wallace’s work because he’s reputed as a novelist to be very dense and difficult, along Thomas Pynchon/James Joyce lines, and I didn’t even know he did journalism. But …, I’ve been […]

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Writing Post-Gutenberg Narratives for the Web

Comments   0   Date Arrow  June 10, 2023 at 12:01pm   User  by Mark Willis

Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox is geared to web usability for business intra-nets and e-commerce. It isn’t the final word on usability, but I’ve long appreciated his advocacy of web accessibility for computer users with disabilities. Nielsen’s latest column raises some provocative questions about web-based reading and writing:
Web content must be brief and get to […]

Tagged   attention · writing · accessibility · readingComments  Add Your Comment

Playing By Ear: Diablo Cody & the Ritz Cracker

Comments   0   Date Arrow  February 8, 2023 at 12:05am   User  by Mark Willis

Diablo Cody is everywhere these days. And why not? She has a charmed back-story any screenwriter would strike for: ex-stripper, blogger, and now, Oscar nominee. Callers to NPR’s Talk of the Nation, nascent novelists one and all, clamored for how-to tips. Her advice? Give it away on a Ritz cracker.
No, she didn’t say it that […]

Tagged   writing · NPR · Playing by EarComments  Add Your Comment