Entries Tagged as 'media'

David Foster Wallace’s Long-form Journalism

Comments   0   Date Arrow  September 23, 2023 at 6:00am   User  by Mark Willis

I must confess, as did On The Media’s Bob Garfield, that until last week “I’d never read a single word of David Foster Wallace’s work because he’s reputed as a novelist to be very dense and difficult, along Thomas Pynchon/James Joyce lines, and I didn’t even know he did journalism. But …, I’ve been […]

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Hip-Hopping With The Big Bang

Comments   0   Date Arrow  September 10, 2023 at 7:28pm   User  by Mark Willis

Scientists at CERN, the European nuclear research institute in Geneva, fired up the Large Hadron Collider at 4:27 a.m. EDST. For the record, the world did not end then, as some Luddites feared. That could still happen several weeks from now when a beam of subatomic particles coursing one way through the collider smashes into […]

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MiT6: Stone & Papyrus, Storage & Transmission

Comments   3   Date Arrow  August 8, 2023 at 12:10am   User  by Mark Willis

The Media in Transition 6 conference (MiT6) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is scheduled for April 24-26, 2009. The conference theme is “Stone and Papyrus, Storage and Transmission.” The deadline for submitting proposals is January 9, 2009.
Ms. Modigliani and I went to MiT5 in 2007, and we found it to be one of […]

Tagged   media · conferences · accessibility · fair use · Ms. ModiglianiComments  Add Your Comment

The Times — Are They A-Changin’?

Comments   1   Date Arrow  July 22, 2023 at 2:14pm   User  by Mark Willis

JibJab is back with a new satirical video for the 2008 election — Time for Some Campaignin’. JibJab seemed to invent the Internet video mashup in 2004 with This Land!, which presaged YouTube by two years. Now JibJab has a YT channel and a commercial site. According to their YT profile:
Brothers Gregg and Evan Spiridellis […]

Tagged   media · satire · politics · pop cultureComments  Add Your Comment

The Daisy Ad: ‘Either Love Each Other, Or Die’

Comments   1   Date Arrow  June 18, 2023 at 12:15am   User  by Mark Willis

I remember the daisy ad. Anyone alive in 1964 has to remember. What I didn’t realize until the death of its creator, Tony Schwartz, is the fact that it was broadcast as a TV ad only once. After that, it was news. Then it became a legend.
I was nine years old. I wouldn’t admit to […]

Tagged   media · rhetoric · 1960s · politics · memoirComments  Add Your Comment

‘Born Without Earlids’: Tony Schwartz (1923-2008)

Comments   1   Date Arrow  June 18, 2023 at 12:05am   User  by Mark Willis

Media consultant Tony Schwartz died in New York June 15 at age 84. While he is best known for the legendary “daisy” TV ad that evoked nuclear madness in the 1964 Presidential election, I like to think of him as a flaneur who loved the ambient sounds of his city and knew how to play […]

Tagged   NYT · media · New York · pop culture · NPR · Playing by EarComments  Add Your Comment