Entries Tagged as 'trees'

Held Up By Hurricane Ike

Comments   0   Date Arrow  September 17, 2023 at 3:51pm   User  by Mark Willis

We do tornadoes in Ohio. Usually they come and go before you know one is in the neighborhood. So it was a surprise Sunday when the remnants of Hurricane Ike arrived with winds exceeding 75 mph. It was surreal — the sun was shining, the wind was blasting, trees were snapping, and it went on […]

Tagged   updates · village · treesComments  Add Your Comment

Resurrecting a Date Palm from Ancient Seed

Comments   0   Date Arrow  June 19, 2023 at 12:05am   User  by Mark Willis

While I’m waiting for kale to sprout in my garden, wondering impatiently whether it was penny-foolish to plant seed from a three-year-old packet, I take heart in this news story from ScienceNOW, written by Emma Gatti (12 June 2023):
Scientists have successfully grown a date palm from a 2000-year-old seed dug up from the […]

Tagged   archaeology · ecology · treesComments  Add Your Comment

Forests in Flux

Comments   0   Date Arrow  June 17, 2023 at 11:24am   User  by Mark Willis

In the 13 June 2023 issue, Science examines the future of the world’s forests against a backdrop of climate change and intensifying human activity. In Science, News reports take a look at how humans have reshaped wooded landscapes across the globe; a Review explains how forests influence climate through physical, chemical, and biological processes; and […]

Tagged   ecology · treesComments  Add Your Comment

Ms. Modigliani’s Garden: Laburnum

Comments   2   Date Arrow  June 8, 2023 at 10:00am   User  by Mark Willis

Laburnum, the Golden Chain Tree, blooms spectacularly in Ms. Modigliani’s garden on her birthday. [Photo by a blind flaneur]
Sylvia Plath referred to the image of the Laburnum tree and “its blond colonnades” in her poem The Arrival of the Bee Box, first published posthumously in the collection Ariel (1965).
Oscar Wilde referred to Laburnum in […]

Tagged   flowers · trees · Toronto · Ms. ModiglianiComments  Add Your Comment

Making The Earth Say Trees

Comments   0   Date Arrow  May 10, 2023 at 8:30pm   User  by Mark Willis

At the beginning of April my son and I walked the property lines of his nascent farm to make our plans for this year and next. Standing at a surveyor’s stake at the back of his soybean field, I thought of Henry Thoreau. I would make the earth say trees, not beans or grass, if […]

Tagged   Henry Thoreau · trees · BrendanComments  Add Your Comment

When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d

Comments   2   Date Arrow  May 1, 2023 at 12:54pm   User  by Mark Willis

When my father died, I knew I would metabolize my grief and honor his memory by being the best father I could be. When my mother died I knew suddenly what it really meant to feel like a motherless child. The path of transformation was not so obvious then. Maybe I am still looking […]

Tagged   Walt Whitman · trees · Mary Lou Willis · memoir · poetryComments  Add Your Comment

Toronto Flaneur: Cherry Blossoms In The City

Comments   0   Date Arrow  April 26, 2023 at 3:00pm   User  by Mark Willis

Flowering Cherry Trees line the walk around the southwest corner of the Robarts Library at the University of Toronto. [Photo by Ms. Modigliani]

Tagged   trees · Flaneur's Gallery · Toronto · Ms. ModiglianiComments  Add Your Comment