Entries Tagged as 'village'

Held Up By Hurricane Ike

Comments   0   Date Arrow  September 17, 2023 at 3:51pm   User  by Mark Willis

We do tornadoes in Ohio. Usually they come and go before you know one is in the neighborhood. So it was a surprise Sunday when the remnants of Hurricane Ike arrived with winds exceeding 75 mph. It was surreal — the sun was shining, the wind was blasting, trees were snapping, and it went on […]

Tagged   updates · village · treesComments  Add Your Comment

Hiatus: Stop and Smell the Roses

Comments   1   Date Arrow  June 1, 2023 at 8:00pm   User  by Mark Willis

Mary Rose (above) vied with the climbing Colette as the first rose of the season. I’ve tried a variety of David Austin’s line of English roses over the years, and this is one  of the few to thrive in my over-shaded garden. Ms. Modigliani has great success with the English roses in Oakville — her […]

Tagged   village · garden · flowers · blind photographersComments  Add Your Comment