Tag Archives: 9/11

10 Years On: 9/11 Families Grieve At Ground Zero

I watched much of C-Span’s coverage of today’s 9/11 memorial service at Ground Zero in New York City. Blessedly, speeches by politicians were minimal, and the event was devoted to naming those who died in the attacks. Relatives read the names, two speakers at a time, while others in the audience sought out and touched their loved ones’ names cast in bronze tablets that line the reflecting pools that now fill the footprints of the World Trade Center towers. Continue reading

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“On the Transmigration of Souls” by John Adams

I seldom look back at images of 9/11. Those tragic events are vivid enough in my memory. If you feel that way, too, then do not watch this photo montage set to an excerpt from John Adams’ haunting composition On The Transmigration of Souls. Listen, instead, to the complete piece in three parts.

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Finding A Balance Beyond 9/11

I’m reading Colum McCann’s fine novel, Let the Great World Spin, winner of the National Book Award in2009 . It is widely acclaimed as a post-9/11 novel even though its setting is 1974 New York, when Philippe Petit made his audacious high-wire walk between the towers of the World Trade Center. McCann’s Prologue describes that scene as it was apprehended from ground level on the streets of lower Manhattan. Reading it took my breath away. I heard in McCann’s phrasing the sprawling democratic lists and rolling cadences of Walt Whitman’s “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry.” It’s a robust expression of a long literary tradition.

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Building a Concept of Architectural Tolerance

Rick Bell, executive director of the New York chapter of the American Institute of Architects, says he doesn’t claim ‘architectural tolerance” as a doctrine. But his evocation of a diverse and tolerant streetscape caught my attention. It sounds like something Jane Jacobs articulated 50 years ago. It’s certainly the kind of street this flaneur would walk down. I want to think that such architecture naturally would accommodate the accessibility needs of people with disabilities.

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Putting Politics Aside, Almost

“After weeks of an increasingly nasty presidential campaign, the candidates took a respite from partisan politics Thursday,” according to NPR. “On the seventh anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, John McCain and Barack Obama promised that they would not … Continue reading

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