Tag Archives: social media

Humza Deas Scales New Heights For “F8 and Be There”

Move over, Margaret Burke-White. There’s room on that girder for a new generation of daredevil photographers who will take any risk to get the shot. Humza Deas started climbing bridges and skyscrapers in New York City for the adrenalin rush and street creds, documenting his feats with selfies of his shoes. Think of him as a new kind of vertical flaneur, soaring rather than strolling, with a rarefied perspective on the street. Instead of Life Magazine, Instagram is his platform. Now he’s beginning to parlay social media fame into a paying gig. Continue reading

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Al Jazeera Listening Post: Shining a Light into a Media Black Hole in Libya

Via Al Jazeera English: From the media black hole that was Libya, shocking videos illustrate the revolt. Also, South Africa’s best known political cartoonist: Jonathan Shapiro.

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Curating a Revolution in Real Time

Where does curation end and advocacy begin? The Feb. 25 edition of On the Media has two segments with NPR staffers (Sarah Abdurrahman and Andy Carvin) who are pushing the boundaries in new journalism.

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Ethan Zuckerman the Internet’s Global Impact

On the Media’s Feb. 18 show was recorded before a live audience using a talk show debate format in which the hosts represented two Manichean perspectives on an oversimplified question about the Internet’s role in society. In the show’s second segment, after his name was invoked as the media guru on the Net’s global impact, Ethan Zuckerman walked on stage like Marshall McLuhan in Annie Hall to quip, “I think you just completely misunderstand my work.” Nice gag.Here is the audio embed, and below are several takeaway points from the transcript.

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Al Jazeera: “Social Networks, Social Revolution”

The second part of “Empire” is an excerpted panel discussion held at the Columbia Journalism School in New York City on Feb. 14 in the heady aftermath of Hosni Mubarak’s downfall. The moderator is Al Jazeera’s Marwan Bishara; the panelists are Amy Goodman, Clay Shirky, Carl Bernstein, Emily Bell, and Evgeny Morozov.

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