Category Archives: Rue Mouffetard

Imaging Paris: From Mouffe to the Marais

Rue des Rosiers. [Photo by lodrorigdzin; all rights reserved] I didn’t realize Friday night that when Alex said he dropped by Café Mouffe, he wasn’t simply humoring my imaginary conceit. He was there, in Paris, and the photos of Café … Continue reading

Posted in blind photographers, Imaging Paris, IVe, Rue Mouffetard, Ve | 2 Comments

Imaging Paris: Café Delmas

Delmas-mouffetard. [Photo by lodrorigdzin; all rights reserved] Here are two more of Alex’s photos shot yesterday at Café Delmas,  the inspiration for Café Mouffe. Of the shot above he writes:  “at last, at last, I have a coffee cup shot … Continue reading

Posted in blind photographers, Café Mouffe, Imaging Paris, Rue Mouffetard, Ve | Leave a comment

Imaging Paris: Miss Tic’s Wanton Acts

Paris street art by Miss Tic graces a wall near Rue Mouffetard. [Photo by La_Caille] Miss Tic’s graffiti poem reads, “Les actes gratuits ont-ils un prix?” Ms. Modigliani translates this literally as,”Do gratuitous acts have a price?” The pun seems … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Imaging Paris, Miss Tic, Rue Mouffetard, street art, Ve | Leave a comment

Down and Out in Paris: Postcards on Boule Mich

In Down and Out in Paris and London, George Orwell describes my Paris neighborhood as “a ravine of tall, leprous houses, lurching towards one another in queer attitudes, as though they had all been frozen in the act of collapse.” … Continue reading

Posted in books, D&O/P&L, Orwell, Paris, Rue Mouffetard | Leave a comment

Imaging Paris: Street Art on Rue Calvin

Photo by [auro] The photo is titled “la musique adoucit les murs” (“music softens walls”). Thanks to [auro] for sharing it on the Creative Commons.

Posted in Imaging Paris, Rue Mouffetard, street art, Ve | Leave a comment

Down and Out in Paris: Battling the Bugs

In Down and Out in Paris and London, George Orwell describes my Paris neighborhood as “a ravine of tall, leprous houses, lurching towards one another in queer attitudes, as though they had all been frozen in the act of collapse.” … Continue reading

Posted in books, D&O/P&L, Orwell, Paris, Rue Mouffetard, Ve | 3 Comments

Imaging Paris: Rue Mouffetard

[Photo by mmatting]

Posted in D&O/P&L, Imaging Paris, Rue Mouffetard, Ve | Leave a comment

Down and Out in Paris: Rue du Coq d’Or

In Down and Out in Paris and London, George Orwell describes my Paris neighborhood as “a ravine of tall, leprous houses, lurching towards one another in queer attitudes, as though they had all been frozen in the act of collapse.” … Continue reading

Posted in D&O/P&L, Orwell, Paris, Rue Mouffetard, Ve | Leave a comment

Imaging Paris: Rue Mouffetard

]Photo by jsolal75005] I’ve wondered what my Paris ‘hood looks like this winter. Here’s a shot of Rue Mouffetard taken last Sunday, Dec. 30. Thanks to jsolal75005 for sharing this image in the Creative Commons.

Posted in Imaging Paris, Paris, Rue Mouffetard, Ve | 4 Comments

Foot Rage and the Blind Flaneur

As I have lost eyesight over the past thirty years, walking has been the simplest and most dependable solution to the functional limitations of my disability. When I stopped driving cars at age eighteen, walking was the mode of transportation … Continue reading

Posted in Flaneur, foot rage, Paris, Rue Mouffetard, Ve, walking, Walter Benjamin | 4 Comments